Mat Kilau, The Malay Warrior

>> Sunday, October 11, 2009

OUT of the many Malay warriors of Pahang who stood up against the British in the late 1880’s, only one lived to witness with his very own eyes the nation’s independence. He was Mat Kilau, the son of local chieftain Imam Perang Rasu (aka Tok Gajah), and one of the Malay warriors who rebelled between the 1880s and 1890s when the colonial masters extended their rule to Pahang. Mat Kilau even had the opportunity to shout the magical word “Merdeka” on August 31, 1957, something that his contemporaries Datuk Bahaman, Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong and Tok Janggut or the earlier ones like Datuk Maharaja Lela and Dol Said did not live to do. But on that historic day, none of the hundreds who turned up at the state mosque field in Kuantan realised that the high-spirited but frail-looking centenarian standing among them was Mat Kilau, the man who once tormented the British.

Hospital Temerloh

This project is a contract to design, construct, equip, commission and maintain the 498-bedded hospital.The hospital is designed to an efficient medical center with world-class facilities and equipped with high tech equipment to reflect the best international medical practice principles of modern healthcare.It is to be a model hospital for the Malaysians in the 21st century.

Semantan Bridge

This bridge was opened when the Pantai Timur Highway was built. It crosses the Pahang river, the longest river in west Malaysia. At the entrance of the bridge there are 2 elephant trunks which symbolize Pahang. There also many colorful lights around this bridge. This bridge was opened by Pahang sultan on 22 April 2002.

Ikan Patin ( Silver Catfish)

Temerloh town sits at the confluence of the Pahang and Semantan Rivers, which is why it is rich with freshwater fish such as Patin (silver catfish), Jelawat, Baung, Tenggalan, Lampam, Belida, Tilapia and Kerai. As the home of the Patin fish, the Temerloh folks have special dishes that bring out the best taste of the fish. Two of my favorites are the ikan patin masak tempoyak and the ikan patin asam rebus. Actually there are three species of patin, based on its breeding, and hence to connoisseurs, there are slight differences in the taste. A patin fish has smooth flesh and when grilled under a firewood, or barbequed and eaten with sambal asam. Try them yourself, okay?

Turn Left!!!

>> Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To Delightful Temerloh Home of the Patin (Silver Catfish)

Temerloh Map

Temerloh (3°16′N 102°15′E / 3.27°N 102.25°E / 3.27; 102.25) is a town in Central Pahang, Malaysia in Temerloh district.Located about 130 km from kuala lumpur along the Kuantan-Kuala Lumpur trunk road.

Temerloh is the home of the Patin fish (Silver Catfish), one of the most prized freshwater fishes in Malaysia. Located about 130 km from Kuala Lumpur along the Kuantan–Kuala Lumpur trunk road, delightful Temerloh is the second largest town in Pahang Darul Makmur.

Name Change From Kuala Semantan to Temerloh

The change of name from Kuala Semantan to Temerloh was also significant. It was thought that while Kuala Semantan was meant to designate the old area, the town actually covered a bigger area, and not just at the mouth of the riverbank. The name Temerloh was derived from the Malay word "mereloh" meaning "sleep". It is said that "Temerloh" came about when an Indonesian Minangkabau settler who came to settle at the place noticed an orang asli (aborigine) who slept ("mereloh") all through the day without a care in the world.

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